
NanoVNA built firmware binaries on CircleCI

subject build time rev ID download {{ build.subject }} {{ build.committer_date }} {{ build.vcs_revision.slice(-7) }} {{ build.build_num }}

Powered by CircleCI

NanoVNA Device Firmware Update

How to enter DFU mode

To enter DFU mode, there are some ways:

  1. Jumper BOOT0 pin on PCB to VDD at powering device.
    (jumper should be remove after launching DFU mode).
  2. Device Menu (tap screen) [CONFIG] [DFU] [RESET AND ENTER DFU]. (maybe require newer firmware)
  3. Send USB serial command "reset dfu". (maybe require newer firmware)

Update with dfu-util

Install dfu-util and read flash firmware section.

Update with WebUSB (experimental)

SELECTED .bin FILE: {{firmwareFile.name}} {{firmwareFile.size}}bytes SELECT DOWNLOADED .bin FILE
connect device disconnect write


{{progress.done}} / {{progress.total}}

Powered by devanlai/webdfu